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St. Osmond’s Church


30 Fore St, Evershot, Dorchester DT2 0JR, UK



Evershot village is the second highest village in Dorset and has connections with Thomas Hardy. It is home to Sticklands Primary School, a village shop with post office, an Anglican church, Summer Lodge Country House Hotel, The Acorn public house, the Village Bakery, Little Acorns children’s playgroup and a Village Hall.


St. Osmond’s Church dates back to C12th and was restored by the Victorians in 1864. There are two services a month – on the first Sunday of the month there is morning worship and on the third Sunday of the month there is a Holy Communion service. There is a small prayer meeting every month and a Bible study twice a month with people from other villages. Carol singing takes place around the village prior to Christmas and there is usually a full church for the Carol Service on Christmas Eve. Other activities take place during the year and are locally advertised.


There is a regular team of bellringers.


A Re-ordering Project has commenced with a view to installing a toilet, improving the lighting and heating, and making the serving of refreshments easier at the end of a service.


A monthly village coffee morning takes place in different people’s homes (apart from in the winter months). Everyone is welcome and this is a good opportunity to meet others.  



Mrs P Campbell

01935 83366

For General Enquiries Contact the Church Office:

 Administrator: Emma Garner-Jones I Melbury Team office I Rampisham Village Hall I Rampisham I Dorchester I DT2 0PR

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